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Kyle Middleton is the half-brother of Jenna Middleton, and uncle of Tyson Powell. Jenna used to live with Kyle, but later moved in with Alli when he moved back to Alberta. He was portrayed by Tim Daugulis .

Character History[]

Season 9[]


Kyle at the car wash.

In Heart Like Mine (1), Kyle brings his truck to the Degrassi car wash to get cleaned. Jenna introduces Kyle to Clare and K.C. He tells K.C. that Jenna talks about him frequently, and Jenna tells him to shut up.

Season 10[]

In Tears Dry On Their Own (1), Jenna and Kyle are sitting together at The Dot. He tells her she should go see a doctor, but Jenna refuses.

In Tears Dry On Their Own (2), Kyle is with Jenna at the doctor's after finding out that she is pregnant. When the doctor asks who will be helping with the baby, he says that he will and that their mom and dad are out of the picture.

In Don't Let Me Get Me, Lisa asks Jenna if her brother works, and Jenna tells her he works part-time, and that his hours had been recently cut.

In Halo (1), Jenna mentions to Sav that her brother, Kyle, can't make it to her prenatal class, so she has to go alone.

Season 11[]

In LoveGame, Jenna arrives at Kyle's apartment and he rants about how K.C. isn't doing his half of the parenting work. Jenna argues with him and asks him if he can stay, but he leaves for work.

In Lose Yourself (2), Jenna tells the service work that her brother moved away, and that she doesn't have anyone else.


