At first Zane was came off as this normal teen who just happened to be gay, but the longer he dated Riley the more pushy he became to Riley coming out. I completely understand when he was upset when Riley was saying gay jokes around him and why he was mad when he got thrown in the dumpster because Riley threatened Owen to leave Zane alone. But when Drew asked them if it was actually true, Zane just said they are just good friends. Riley said he didn't have to do that and his response was "I know, I just don't like people thinking they are intitled to an answers." WHAT THE FUCK, he is the head of LGBT club, in no way is it ever okay to even consider outing someone. After Riley's mom caught them making out his mom wouldn't even look at him or talk to him for months, until one day his mom tricked him into a date with a girl. Zane was glad his mom was finally talking to him until he found out why. Saying Riley is living in his parents hetero fantasy. Riley replied he just wanted his family back before he went off to college and even when Zane agreed to go to his birthday party as a friend he made it very clear in front of Riley's mom and dad that their might be something going on between them. Talking for Riley's fake girlfriend, that Riley didn't even make up and when Riley said to Zane "Maybe she should relax." Zane got up and left. Terrible example for the LGBT, especially being the head of the LGBT club, I feel like he may been pressuring a lot of people in the club to come out. I'll give him some credit for standing up for Adam.