Degrassi Wiki
Degrassi Wiki

Give your opinion on how these storylines would change under a different scenario:

What if Manny didn’t terminate her pregnancy?

What if Emma picked Toby in S1 instead of Sean?

What if Paige never got Terri drunk and Sperri happened instead?

What if Clare’s baby was Drew’s?

What if Kevin Smith never came to Degrassi?

What if Rick never shot Jimmy? Who would he shoot instead?

What if Sean came back for Ellie instead of Emma?

What if Tessa answered Joey’s phonecall?

What would Janny look like with S3-4 Manny and S3-5 Jay?

What if Marisol got pregnant from her affair with K.C.?

What if Bianca never broke up with Drew?

What if Alli had cancer instead of Clare?
