In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
March 2024. Four years ago, Kieran, Lizzy, Tori, Katie & Yazzy graduated from Hanabu University. Despite their intentions to remain in contact - except Lizzy towards Kieran, they fell out of touch as life took hold. Now, Lizzy is about to enter her fifth year of teaching, and has accepted a job at Tokuko Elementary after spending the last four years working at the elementary school in her hometown of Kaijo. Today however, Lizzy has come into school to begin prepping her classroom for the new school year....
Lizzy: Who says this is a two man job? I've done all my displays without any help at all.
As Lizzy continues setting up her classroom, she hears a noise coming from the next classroom.
Lizzy: The hell? I thought I was the only one here today
Lizzy ignores it and carries on with her set up, but it's at that point that she hears a loud crash and goes to check it out.
Lizzy: everything ok in here?
Lizzy enters the neighbouring classroom and sees a heap of fallen chairs and a few overturned tables. Hidden beneath the pile is a body belonging to the mystery person, with only a leg sticking out
Lizzy: Oh god are you ok?
Voice: Yeah....yeah I'm fine, I just had too much trust in a chair and it backfired on me
Lizzy begins to help move some of the chairs to help the teacher but she's sure she recognises his voice. He frees himself and Lizzy's face drops
Lizzy: You're joking me
Kieran: Oh? Fancy meeting you here
Kieran: Shhh, it's rude to swear at school
Lizzy: You know as well as I do that there's no kids here
Kieran: I're here
Lizzy kicks Kieran....hard
Kieran: I see some things never change
Lizzy: What the hell are you doing here?
Kieran: I work here obviously
Lizzy: Since when?!
Kieran: I've been here for two years, now going into my third
Lizzy: But....but when I came for my interview, they said that there was only two 4th grade classes and the other teacher wasn't male.
Kieran: Yeah that's right, but I teach 5th grade
Lizzy: Oh?
Kieran: Yeah 4th and 5th grade are at the same end of the corridor, it can get a bit muddled sometimes but we generally work as one team, it's just easier that way
Lizzy: Team? With you?
Kieran: Isn't it great?
Kieran looks smug, so Lizzy hits him again
Kieran: I didn't realise you were coming here though, I thought you were settled back in Kaijo?
Lizzy: I needed a change, four years was enough. I thought you were on the other side of the country?
Kieran: That was only temporary. It was a one year contract and once it was over, I came here. I really liked the sound of the school and its ethos, I really love it here, and I'm sure you will too.
Lizzy: I mean, I was, but now I know you're here, I'll start looking for another job
Kieran: You don't mean that
Lizzy: Four years of high school, four years of university, I thought I was done with you
Kieran: Think again
Lizzy: Ugh
Kieran: How long have you been living in Kaijo then? Can't have been here long.
Lizzy: I got here two weeks ago, Katie's been here a couple months
Kieran: You're living with Katie?
Lizzy: Well duh, what did you expect? We've been roommates since we left uni, I had to finish out the school year before I could move but Katie came over earlier, something about a Love Live! exhibition or something that she didn't want to miss.
Kieran: I see Katie's the same
Lizzy: Like you can talk, bet you still have anime girls plastered over your wall at your place
Kieran: Actually, I'll have you know that I have a Chizuru poster hung up in the cupboard
Lizzy: I....
Kieran: As soon as Rent-a-Girlfriend first aired, I just knew that she had my heart. There's not been a day since where I haven't thought of her
Lizzy: You just proved my point
Kieran chuckles nervously as he lays one hand on the back of his head. He then gazes over to the clock before noticing the time
Kieran: Oh crap, I'm running late, I gotta go. I'll be back in again before the semester starts so I'll see you then probably
Lizzy: I won't be
Kieran: Alright I'll text you then
Lizzy: Ugh
Kieran rushes off, leaving Lizzy in his still messy classroom. She looks around his room, she notices the little anime references he has around the classroom, the dedicated book corner filled with not only regular books but also child friendly manga. There are pictures by his desk of his previous classes, with Kieran sat in the middle of his classes looking genuinely happy. She smiles
Lizzy: Seriously though, he could have at least tidied up before he left
Lizzy & Katie's apartment
Lizzy: I'm back
Katie: Hey
Lizzy: You won't believe who I ran into today
Katie: Oh before I forget, Tori called earlier. she wanted to know if we were free this weekend. She's got tickets to some event thing happening and her girlfriend is away so she was wondering if we would go with her
Lizzy: She say what the event was?
Katie: I wasn't fully listening to be honest. It wasn't idol related so I switched off. Shall I tell her we're free?
Lizzy: Yeah sure
Katie: Oh what did you want to tell me?
Lizzy is about to answer but she glances over at the TV
Lizzy: Hang on, can you turn that up?
Katie turns up the volume
Reporter: In other news, a 27 year old man from Kaijo was charged with multiple counts of grooming stretching back 8 years. The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was discovered to have been exchanging sexual messages and images with children as young as 14. The man, who was a former student of Kaijo High School, was attending Reoku College when the offences were alleged to have first begun. The information came to light after one of the victims reported the defendant to the police after they shared concerns over the defendant continuing to work with those in a vulnerable position. No further information has been released at this time but the trial is due to start in three months time at Hanabu Court.
Katie: What a sicko
Lizzy: I think....I think I know him, well knew him
Katie: Damn, that's seriously fucked up
Lizzy: Yeah
Katie: Oh, what were you gonna tell me?
Lizzy: Huh?....Oh yeah! The teacher who's in the class next door to's only fucking Kieran
Katie: No way!
Lizzy: I swear god hates me
Katie: You only figuring that out now?
Tori's Apartment
Tori: on the phone Yeah, Katie's just got back to me, they're going to come with me so you don't have to worry about me being lonely. I can't believe you're gone for a whole week though, I don't like it when you're away......Well, I can't wait either, I'm going to make up every day we missed once you get back. You know there's no one like me that can make you- Oh sorry, I didn't realise you had company. I'll hang up now then so you can work. Love you. You too, Bye
Delia: That your girlfriend?
Tori: Yeah
Delia: Do I ever get to meet this mysterious woman?
Tori: I don't know. She's quite a private person and she's shy around new people
Delia: How the fuck did you two meet then?
Tori: She made my Dunkin order
Delia: Of course she did
Tori: You know I love my Dunkin
Delia: You can bring her around though when I'm here, I don't bite....much
Tori: I'll ask her next time I see her
Delia: It's not that big of a deal. I just don't like the idea of you having to bring her round at specific times, this is your apartment as much as it is mine.
Tori: I did say to her that I wanted you to meet her
Delia: Well you know, it's whatever,
Delia heads over to the door to pick up a duffle bag
Tori: You off to the gym?
Delia: You know me, I have to fit it in at least once a day
Four weeks later, April 2024.
Kieran: Excited for the first day of the year?
Lizzy: I'd be enjoying it a lot more if you weren't here
Kieran: By the way, I haven't introduced you to the other grade 4 teacher. Michi, you got a sec?
Michi: Sure
Kieran: Michi, Lizzy. Lizzy, Michi. I've known Lizzy since high school, we have what you would say a volatile friendship. Lizzy, Michi is the other grade 4 teacher so you guys will be working together a lot
Lizzy: Nice to meet you
Michi: You too! Volatile friendship?
Kieran: She abuses me
Lizzy: Not like he doesn't deserve it. You must admit, he's pretty annoying
Michi: Yeah
Kieran: Wow, day 1 and already you're turning people against me
Lizzy: Doing what I do best. Oh, where's the other grade 5 teacher?
Kieran: Oh CC? She's on gate duty today. You'll love her though, she's great
Michi: Oh Kieran, before I forget, are we meeting today?
Kieran: Yeah in my room as usual, give me about 15 minutes after the bell goes, just so I can get sorted. Lizzy, you'll be there right?
Lizzy: What's happening?
Michi: We meet every Monday after school as a department to plan, moderate, discuss etc.
Lizzy turns to Kieran
Lizzy: Why in your room?
Kieran: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm the senior teacher of grades 4-5, so I have to run the meetings
Lizzy: ......What.....
Kieran: Guess I should have mentioned that earlier
Kieran laughs nervously
Lizzy: You mean to say're my b-b-b-boss?
Kieran: In a manner of speaking. The Principal is still the head honcho, I'm just the middle man. Although I guess you've got to be careful now before you abuse me
Lizzy glares at Kieran with a deadpan expression
Lizzy: I quit
Michi: This is going to be such a great year!!
Lizzy & Katie's Apartment
Katie: Oh did you hear what's happened to Lizzy?
Yazzy: No! What?!
Katie: She's got her new job right? Well she started the other week and found out that she's working with Kieran
Yazzy: Oh damn
Katie: What's even worse is that she text me an hour ago saying that he's in charge of their department. She is literally pulling her hair out
Yazzy: That's rough
Yazzy is quiet and Katie soon picks up on it
Katie: Oh sorry, I forgot that you and him broke up
Yazzy: It's ok, I don't mind
Katie: When did you last speak to him?
Yazzy: Over three years ago
Katie: What?! Seriously?
Yazzy: Ever since he went half a country away
Katie: I thought you guys were still together while he was away?
Yazzy: No. I asked him not to go, I practically begged him and he went anyway.
Katie: What an asshole
Yazzy: I understand why he felt he needed to go. I was angry that he just decided to go without considering everything else
Katie: You know, if he's in the area, you're likely to run into him again. He may even come round here, would you be ok?
Yazzy: I'm sure it'll be fine. We'll cross that bridge when it comes to it
Kieran's Apartment
Kieran: I'm home! You would not believe the day I've had
Voice: Bit late aren't you?
Kieran: Sorry sorry, it's been a long day. The meeting after school ran long, mostly because Lizzy kept interrupting me
Voice: She's your old friend right? How'd she take having to work under you?
Kieran: Not well, she's been staring daggers at me all day. Thank god for the kids otherwise she probably would have chewed my head off
Voice: Well at least you're home now. I've got dinner ready by the way, I'm just about to serve
Kieran: What we having?
Voice: Mac and Cheese
Kieran: My favourite
Voice: That's why I did it, favourite dish for my favourite man on his first day back
Kieran: God I love you
Kieran leans in and kisses his girlfriend, the kiss lasts for a few seconds longer than intended but his girlfriend pulls away
Voice: I need to get the food out the oven before it burns
Kieran: All right, sorry. I'm gonna get changed quickly
Voice: Okay
Kieran: I missed you today Kaylin.
Kaylin: I missed you too.
A lot has changed in four years, our group has moved forwards with their life and seen many changes, but deep down, could that original dynamic still be there? And if it is, how will they get back to those days, or are they destines to walk separate paths?....