Life On The Sides Part 1
In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
October 17th 2024. Tokuko Elementary
Michi: Ok, so Lizzy you'll take charge of the Christmas Play. It's ideal for you since your grade will be more involved in the play
Lizzy: We can start rehearsals next month yeah?
Michi: Yep. Start with song practice and distribute roles to the kids. Don't let them pick or audition just hand them out. Give them some time to learn and practice and then sort of mid to late November you can start doing full rehearsals
Lizzy: Sweet ā¦
In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
October 2024. 1 hour earlier
Delia: One second
Delia heads over to the door and opens it
Delia: Oh hey
Kaylin: Hey, wasn't expecting you to answer
Delia: Who were you expecting? The tooth fairy?
Kaylin: I just mean, after the other day, I wasn't sure if you would actually answer
Delia: What do you want?
Kaylin: I uh, I think I left my cell here the other day
Delia: The only cell that's here is Tori's girlfriend's
Kaylin: Uh- I- Oh I must have left it somewhere else then
Delia: ā¦
In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
September 2024
Yazzy: Hang on, say that again
Lizzy: He's gone
Tori: We got that. Elaborate
Lizzy: Michi just said that whatever was going on with him was impacting his life, that he's still in Kaijo and Michi reckons he might not even come back
Katie: So he's just gone?
Lizzy: Seems like it, little bitch, I finally got my punching bag back and now he's abandoning me
Tori: You still have Delia
Lizzy: That's true
Katie: He's doing this all on his own? He doesn't have anyoneā¦
Love, Loss and Legacy
In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
July 2024.
Lizzy: Almost there
Tori: You fucking kidding me? We've been walking this path for hours
Yazzy: I don't remember your house being so far away from the road
Lizzy: We have a lot of ground, remember?
Katie: I can't go on any further
Lizzy: There's Aqours merch at the house for you
Katie runs off at full speed towards Lizzy's house
Lizzy: Sucker
Delia: I don't know why you guys are all complaining, this walk is nothing
Lizzy: That's because you're a gym freak
Tori: Atā¦
In a small town lies Kaijo High School, but our story no longer takes place there. In the city of Tokuko, five hours from Kaijo, 4 old friends, who were a part of their high school culture club, alongside some new faces, embark on the next stages of their lives, and this is their story...
Lizzy: Is this really everyone?
Lizzy looks around the half filled table before her
Kieran: Looks like it
Tori: It was short notice
Yazzy: I was almost on my way out
January 2016. Kaijo High School. Culture Club meeting room.
Lizzy: What are the excuses?
Kieran: Ash is out with the flu
Yazzy: Gegi's got an appointment
Lizzy: Where the fuck is Hunter?
Tori: He was here like 15 minutes ago
Lizzy: Fucking bitch
Kieran: I made it
Lizzy: I don't give a fuck. You're the one person I diā¦